Russia Ukraine War: Togo, Gabon join Common Wealth as members now 56

Commonwealth flags in Parliament Square London

By: Celestine Ukah

*Samoa to host 2024 edition of CHOGM

Following the rising tension and invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Togo and Gabon two West Africa French speaking countries have joined the Common Wealth Countries.

They were admitted into the organization recently at just concluded Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting held in Rwanda, Africa.

With the admission of Togo and Gabon into the fold of the Common Wealth the total members countries now 56 countries, the two west Africa French speaking countries were admitted despite being French speaking even though the Common Wealth is for British colony countries spanning through Africa, America. Europe, Asia and Middle East as member countries.

It is however connected to the fear of what’s going on in Ukraine where Russia has invaded the country, the two small African Countries are easily looking to hookup with stronger bodies for help by any external aggression against any of the States.


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